W Bro Rod Glyn-Thomas LGR investigates this vital support from London Masons.

The 2020 seasonal appeal from the rock star W Bro Rick Wakeman on behalf of the charity Lifelites has raised over £42,000 so far for life-limited and disabled children using hospice services.

We are particularly aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has left many people feeling overwhelmed by the sudden change of routine and isolation. Everyone is now getting a living insight into what it is like to be a life-limited and disabled child; unable to leave the house independently, or speak to people and socialise naturally, or even carry out all sorts of everyday activities that we usually take for granted. Of course, these are all the challenges that Lifelites is seeking to help these children overcome through the provision of our particular technologies.

The appeal, organised by London Freemasons, was sent to Lodges all over London late last year, and the charity was staggered by the response it received, raising £42,785 for the small charity. This is the fifth year of this festive appeal to London Freemasons for Lifelites, and the total now stands at over £178,000 raised for their vital work.


Lifelites Chief Executive, Simone Enefer-Doy, said: “It has been astonishing how enthusiastic the masons of London have been with their support for Lifelites. We would like to thank everyone for their incredible generosity and give special thanks to Rick for his commitment to supporting our work. The funds raised will help life-limited and disabled children across London to escape the confines of their conditions and do things they never thought possible. In such difficult times like these, it is brought home to us how every moment is precious for these children and their families, and these funds will ensure they can make every second count.”

W Bro Rick said: “I am delighted to be a patron of this remarkable charity. It is so wonderful to see children facing life- threatening challenges use technology in ways that many of us take for granted. As we all are isolated now, we understand the need for technology to communicate and socialise so much more. Lifelites allows them to communicate and play in ways they aren’t able to otherwise – it’s simply magic.”


Would you like to find out more? If you have speaking opportunities at one of your Lodge meetings or events later in the year, the Lifelites team can come and showcase their magical technology and speak about the impact it has on life- limited and disabled children using hospice services.

Alternatively, the team are holding online video calls to introduce the technology and demonstrate the impact it has on life- limited and disabled children at every children’ s hospice service across the British Isles. If this is something you’re interested in, please get in touch with Samuel Davies by email sdavies@lifelites.org and he can set this up for you.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 41 July 2020 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 41 here.